Mile High Mamas: Our Family Cooking Class in Denver

Our Family Day Out at Uncorked Kitchen + Coconut Ice Cream Recipe
Mile High Mamas Blog – Denver, Colorado – May 2016 – By Amber Johnson
“I do the majority of the cooking in our family while my husband is the grill master and the kids are expert eaters. I periodically involve them in the creation process but during busy weeknights, it’s usually just easier to do it myself. But now that they’re 9 and 11, I’ve had the nagging feeling I need to give them a more advanced skill set than grilled cheese sandwiches.
Enter: Uncorked Kitchen, where a cooking class meets dinner party meets family bonding.
Denver has a smattering of cooking schools and classes for adults and kids but very rarely do they involve the whole family. Uncorked Kitchen aims to please with their new Family Day Out, a unique hands-on dining experience where parents and kids get to be a part of the creation process of their meal from prep to plate. And believe me, the plate part is very, very delicious.
The kids: learned to make Shrimp Spring Rolls with Peanut Dipping Sauce, Pad Thai, Bacon and Sweet Potato Banh Mi and Coconut Ice Cream with Pineapple ‘Boats.’
Me: Set my paper towel on fire.
It’s probably best to leave it to the professionals. ”
Closed Monday
Tuesday-Friday 3pm–10pm
Saturday 12pm-10pm
Sunday 12pm-6pm
Tuesday-Friday 3pm–6pm
Sunday 12pm-6pm